Establishing the Department Handbook for Nurses – Hand and Neck Cancer

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Authors (including presenting author) :
Li CMJ, Tsoi SY, Chow MY, Cheung KW, Chan PC,Tin WY, Law W, Law WK, Wong MC
Affiliation :
Department of Clinical Oncology, Tuen Mun Hospital, New Territories West Cluster, Hospital Authority, Hong Kong, SAR
Introduction :
Manpower changes are common in every area. We often face unstable working force. Within these 2 years, 24 new comers less than 2 years oncology experience have joined into the department. However, for those new comers, it is difficult for them to provide a wide variety of treatment related cancer care for patients and families. Advanced oncology nursing training such as Post-graduate Registration Certificate Course is only provided for nurses who have 2 years working experiences in the department. Due to limited capacity of the course, the waiting time for enrolling into the course is usually more than 2 years. During the gap of the training period, an easy to read and comprehensible handbook related to oncology nursing is needed to enrich their knowledge and competency in order to provide standard nursing interventions towards treatment related side effects.
Objectives :
1. To provide a fundamental oncology knowledge to support the new comers. 2. To facilitate new comers building competence in working among the team. 3. To standardize the nursing practices of treatment related nursing interventions.
Methodology :
• An in-depth literature review was conducted to address the updated nursing interventions related to head and neck cancer treatments. The handbook contents include: introduction of head and neck cancer, staging and investigation, treatment plan, health assessment, treatment related side effects, and nursing interventions. • The handbook and an evaluation sheet were distributed to each new comer in the department. • A short sharing session was provided to the new comers to briefly introduce the handbook and highlight the key points.
Result & Outcome :
Total 24 handbooks and evaluation sheets were distributed to all new comers in the department. 20 evaluation sheets were collected by 14 Jan 2019. 100% new comers expressed the handbook was informative and useful. 95% new comers showed the handbook could help them to enhance the knowledge and applied to work. All respondents are looking forward to have new handbooks with other cancer diseases. Some of them suggested inserting symptom related images for easy reference. Conclusion: The department handbook for nurses is useful and informative according to the feedback from new comers. It can enhance the fundamental oncology knowledge and facilitate nurses building competence in working among the team. This is the first handbook based on disease classification for nurses. We will have more handbooks related to other cancer diseases in the future. Their suggestions will be taken into account in the coming new handbooks. A revised edition of this handbook will be distributed to new comers.

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