Enhancement Program For Patient Care Assistant (PCA) Training in Orthopaedics and Spinal Rehabilitation Unit Under Customer Service Approach

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Abstract Description
Abstract ID :
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Authors (including presenting author) :
LAU PP (1), LAI LT (1), TSANG CC (1), MOK YF (1), LEE NYA (1), MA O (1), NG PK (1), LING SO (1), MOK T(1)
Affiliation :
(1) Department of Respiratory Medicine and Extended Care, Kowloon Hospital
Introduction :
It is well known that feedbacks on customer service always relate to substandard care provision, inappropriate use of language or nonverbal cues. According to Micah Solomon, a famous speaker on customer service that “Every employee should know how to handle customer concerns”. "I'm finding someone to address you", it's better than "I can't help you". PCAs are frontline staff having close contact with our patients and relatives. A total of 18 comments or feedbacks were received during March 2016 to April 2018 from patients or relatives in two O&T and Spinal Rehabilitation wards. Over 50 percent was related to dissatisfaction of care, inappropriate verbal response and attitude of PCAs.
Objectives :
In analyzing the comments or feedbacks, an initiative of Enhancement Training Program for our PCAs is planned to focus on enhancement of knowledge for general and specific patient care, communication skills; and appropriate manner to improve patient satisfaction and quality of service.
Methodology :
The Workgroup on Enhancement Program for PCAs was formed. WM, Ward APNs, Ward in-charge nurses and PCAs were involved. From May 2018 to July 2018, the program content was developed. The program includes topics on role of PCAs in our unit, occupational safety and health in specialty wards, legal and ethical issues in healthcare settings nowadays, stringent infection control precaution, strict privacy and patient identification, professional skin care, special pressure injury prevention, tips on fall prevention, therapeutic communication, common orthopaedics and spinal care, pain control, splint care and violent patients’ handling. The program was delivered by APNs from August to October 2018 for PCAs working in the two O&T and Spinal wards. Pre and post-test; and satisfactory survey was conducted.
Result & Outcome :
All PCAs showed improvement on knowledge. They were satisfied with the content of the program and agreed the program helping them to enhance performance on general and specific care, communication skills and improve job satisfaction. To conclude, the Enhancement Program for PCAs is implemented successfully in the two O&T and Spinal wards since August 2018 with improvement on PCAs’knowledge on patient care, communication skills and job satisfaction. The program is continuing with on-going evaluation and program update. It demonstrated that a structured enhancement program for PCAs conducted by nurses could facilitate care delivery process, improve staff satisfaction resulting quality customer service.

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