New Antenatal Counselling Service Counter with Peer Group Support for Breastfeeding Promotion in Kowloon East Cluster (KEC)

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Abstract Description
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Authors (including presenting author) :
Chin YP(1), Tong YK(1), Lai SY(1), Chu WY(2), Tam WS(3), Wong PS(3), Tang SK(4)
Affiliation :
(1) Department of Obstetrics & Gyneacology, United Christian Hospital, (2) Community Involvement and Volunteer Services Department, (3) Special Outpatient Department (SOPD), (4) Nursing Service Department
Introduction :
United Christian Hospital (UCH) is pledged to become Baby-Friendly in order to promote and support breastfeeding. Every pregnant women book for antenatal service in KEC should receive Baby-Friendly and Mother-Friendly information. Instead of providing counselling individually, an antenatal counselling service counter is set up. Therefore, service can be provided in use of the least manpower and shorten clients’ waiting time. Pregnant women, postnatal mothers and their family members are all welcome to come to the counter anytime for seeking pregnancy, labour and breastfeeding information. Lactation consultant and breastfeeding promotion volunteers will provide counselling service. Breastfeeding promotion volunteers, who are experienced breastfeeding mothers completed special training and assessment, can provide peer group support.
Objectives :
1. To use minimal manpower and minimize client’s waiting time in providing Baby-Friendly and Mother-Friendly information to pregnant women.
2. To provide a platform for mothers and their family members seeking information related to their infant feeding plan.
3. To offer breastfeeding peer group support to mothers.
Methodology :
A counter is set up during antenatal follow up section on Monday, Thursday and Friday from 10am to 12noon. There is at least one lactation consultant and one to two breastfeeding promotion volunteers providing counselling service. Questionnaire is given to mothers to assess their understanding of the Mother-Friendly and Baby-Friendly information. Lactation consultant and breastfeeding promotion volunteers will explain the myth of breastfeeding and how to handle breastfeeding difficulties. After the counselling, questionnaire is kept in clients’ medical file as record.
Result & Outcome :
In year 2018, there were total 148 service sessions and 3086 clients received the service. Breastfeeding promotion volunteers participated for 147 person-times. There were 73% of the service sessions attending with both lactation consultant and volunteers. An evaluation was performed, total 124 feedbacks were received from the clients in one month and 100% of that was positive. Mothers reported that the service was “very informative, practical and useful”, “the explanation provided was very clear”, “understand more about breastfeeding”, “nurses and volunteers were very patient and helpful”, “feel grateful to be able to receive the professional support”, etc.

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