Authors (including presenting author) :
Ng KH(1), Chan S(2), Kwong P(1), Law PL(1), Liu J(1), Wu I(3), Woo P(4), Chiu C(5), Tang WY(5), Kng C(2), Mak F(2), Choi C(3), Hui E(6), Chao D(7), Leung J(2),Kng C(2), Ha T(3)
Affiliation :
(1)HA Patient Support Call Centre (2)Department of Medicine and Geriatrics, Ruttonjee & Tang Shiu Kin Hospitals (3)Primary & Community Service Department, Strategy & Planning Division, HA Head Office (4)Statistics and Workforce Planning Department, Strategy & Planning Division, HA Head Office (5)Information Technology and Health Informatics Division (6)Department of Medicine and Geriatrics, Shatin Hospital (7)Department of Family Medicine & Primary Health Care, Kowloon East Cluster
Introduction :
The Patient Support Call Center (PSCC) has been providing clinical advice via phone calls to patients living in the community since its establishment in 2009. The two main programs in PSCC include the High Risk Elderly Program (HRE) and Chronic Disease Management on Diabetes Mellitus [CDM(DM)]. Patient Satisfaction Survey was conducted in 2016.
Objectives :
To understand the experience and satisfaction level of patients who received PSCC service and to identify areas for improvement.
Methodology :
Two sets of validated telephone based questionnaires were specially designed for each program of the service, covering domains of nurses’ communication skills; nurses’ knowledge and perceived usefulness of service by patients. Systematic random sampling method was adopted. Inclusion criteria include patients who had phone contact with PSCC nurse (for HRE program) or completed the CDM (DM) program in the past 6 months prior to the survey. Telephone survey was conducted by trained interviewer and patients rated their level of satisfaction to each question using a six-point Likert Scale.
Result & Outcome :
Each program had 500 patients completed the questionnaires out of a total of 2342 calls (1592 and 750 from HRE and CDM (DM) program respectively). More than 600 respondents were unable to complete the questionnaire with reason of forget about PSCC service. The overall response rate was 42.7%. There were 91.6% of HRE and 93.6% of CDM(DM) patients expressed satisfaction (rating 5 or 6 on the six-point Likert Scale) with nurses’ communication skills; 88.4% of HRE and 91.6% of CDM(DM) patients were satisfied with nurses’ knowledge level; 83.6% of HRE and 88.2% of CDM(DM) patients were satisfied with usefulness of PSCC service. The overall satisfaction level of HRE and CDM (DM) program was 94% and 94.8% respectively. To further enhance nurses’ knowledge level and usefulness of service, lectures and case sharing sessions had been conducted to enhance the knowledge of PSCC nurses on gerontology care and chronic disease management. Furthermore, nurses were reminded to advise patient or relative to call back for advice whenever health problem exists before end of each call.