Authors (including presenting author) :
Lau ML(1),Tam YY(1),Tang LN(1),Lui KY(1),Tong MY(1),Cheng KK(1),Choy KK(1), Ma CY(1),Yung CY(1),Chan OL(1),Yue SS(1),Ng YB(1)
Affiliation :
(1)Department of Medicine and Geriatric, United Christian Hospital
Introduction :
Public awareness of dementia is raised in recent years, so as the number of new referrals about cognitive complaint. However, with the limited information stated in the referral letters, patient condition sometimes cannot be assessed and appropriate appointment cannot be arranged accordingly. Hence, Cognitive Nurse Clinic(CNC)was established to enhance the capacity of our cognitive clinic to handle the increasing number of new referral.
Objectives :
1. To triage suspected cognitive impairment patients to appropriate clinic for further workup and management 2. To address suspected cognitive impairment patients and their caregivers' concern and prioritize their needs accordingly before medical consultation 3. To enhance access to appropriate dementia support in community for patients with cognitive impairment and their caregivers
Methodology :
1. At the beginning of 2018, we systematically reviewed our cognitive service. Protocols and Algorithm were formulated to reflect a comprehensive approach to the management of cognitive impairment. 2. A triage service for suspected cognitive impairment patients in CNC was launched since April, 2018. 3. After receiving the referral, it will be screened by trained cognitive nurses and an appointment date of CNC will be given to the patient if indicated with medical endorsement. 4. In the nurse consultation, dementia screening, caring issue and crisis identification will be provided for suspected cognitive impairment patients and their caregivers. Triage case conference with medical officer will be initiated if indicated. 5. Morever, nursing intervention such as advice, education, support& counselling and introduction of community resource about dementia will be provided to meet their needs and relieve their stress.
Result & Outcome :
From April to December 2018, total 313 paper referrals were screened by trained cognitive nurse. 105 cases were recruited in CNC. The waiting time was around 7 weeks from receiving referral to the visit at CNC. The positive feedbacks from suspected cognitive impairment patients and their caregivers confirmed the feasibility and effectiveness of CNC.Also, the service reduced the workload of Gerontologist.