How to enhance the wound care management and monitoring by ‘Wound Round’?

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Abstract Description
Abstract ID :
Submission Type
Authors (including presenting author) :
Wong C.K.(1)(2), Chow C.S.(1)(2), Kong C.Y.(1)(2), Lai K.M.(1)(2), Tang Y.Y.(1)(2), Yiu W.Y.(1)(2), Chan W.M.(1)(2)
Affiliation :
(1)Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology Department, (2)United Christian Hospital
Introduction :
If a patient suffered with ulcer has not received an appropriate treatment and care, she/he always needs a longer hospitalization. The worst impact may result in frequent readmission, limb amputation or even die. Therefore, a comprehensive strategy to enhance the wound healing is indispensable
Objectives :
 To provide quality wound care
 To facilitate the selection of appropriate and advanced wound dressing products  To provide in-service training  To promote an Evidence Base Practice  To reduce the length of stay
Methodology :
A weekly ‘Wound Round’ consists of nurses, managers, and an Associate Consultant The patients are recruited as suffered with complicated wound or ulcer. Patient admitted with diabetic foot ulcer, we would analyze the wound condition. Furthermore, pain control, blood glucose control, appetite and nutrition status, pressure point protection, exercise pattern, living pattern, patient and carer recognition, belief and culture, living environment all assessed and cared. Managers through a process to engage and empower the nurses. During the wound round, patient is presented by case nurse first including general condition, wound assessment, intervention and evaluation. Participants will carry out a comprehensive wound assessment, facilitate the appropriate use of advanced wound dressing, provide health education and psychological support, and follow patient’s progress to ensure the continuity of care is provided. Wound photos will be taken and stored in the encrypted computer notebook and designed a standardized template to describe the wound condition to facilitate wound members for easy access, review, compare and monitor the wound status. Photos are grouped with different period as a series to compare the wound process easily. Furthermore, it would avoid the discrepancy of oral description and make the handover more accurately
Result & Outcome :
In 2018, 455 patients were discussed by wound round. They received more comprehensive assessment and optimal treatment. Wound team members through the process provided wound care in-service training to nurses and patients to enhance the healing of wounds. Furthermore, we saved all the clinical data to promote an Evidence Base Practice. After analyzing with further study, two sessions of ‘Clinical Update Seminar on Wound Management’ were organized for our doctors and nurses Wound Round is effective in promoting wound healing, enhancing nurse’s knowledge and competence, promoting evidence base practice

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