A pilot study of prospective memory training programme for people with MCI

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Authors (including presenting author) :
Lai YY(1)(2), Chan HP(1)(2), Tsang MY(1)
Affiliation :
(1)Occupational Therapy Department, Castle Peak Hospital (2)Department of Old Age Psychiatry, Castle Peak Hospital
Introduction :
Prospective memory (PM) deficit is the most frequent memory complaint of people with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) which poses adverse impact on functional abilities in daily living. However, current training programmes mostly focus on cognitive stimulation or strategies-oriented memory training which may not fully address patients' needs. A pioneer 8-session group training programme, Training to Improve Memory and Execution-Elderly version (TIME-E) was developed. It is a holistic PM training combining specific strategy and process-based training approaches. The training is based on the multi-phase process of PM and aims at enhancing PM to improve daily functioning. It comprises individual computer-assisted cognitive training, memory strategies and the use of implementation intention to promote spontaneous retrieval process, and the use of compensatory techniques to support strategic monitoring process. Besides, training on metacognition, problem solving techniques and behavioral practice are included to enhance generalization and training effectiveness.
Objectives :
To investigate the training effectiveness of prospective memory training programme for people with MCI
Methodology :
The feasibility of TIME-E was evaluated by a group of psychogeriatric out-patient with MCI or very mild dementia (n=5) in a psychiatric hospital. Outcome measures included Cambridge Prospective Memory Test (CAMPROMPT), Comprehensive Assessment of Prospective Memory (CAPM), Montreal Cognitive Assessment Hong Kong Version (HK-MoCA), Chinese version of Mattis Dementia Rating Scale (Mattis-DRS) and Chinese Disability Assessment for Dementia (CDAD) were conducted before and after the training. Participants’ and carers’ feedback were also collected.
Result & Outcome :
Results indicated improvement in PM of participants. The average percentage change for the total score of CAMPROMPT, CAPM patient and carer version were 14.5%, 6.7% and 22.8%. Cognitive function and functional performance were maintained as no significant change was found. Participants reported improvement in PM performance and expressed the memory strategies and compensatory techniques were useful and applicable to daily tasks.

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