Authors (including presenting author) :
Wong CW(1), Chan wlf(2)
Affiliation :
(1)Haematology, Department of Medicine and Geriatrics, Princess Margaret Hospital
Introduction :
NGR refers to nursing round that is held at bedside in clinical in-patient settings. NGRs are a preparation given by nurses who share nursing care and focus on a particular case or a few cases for the purposes of nurse education and patient care enhancement. NGR has been implemented in clinical in-patient setting in Department of Medicine and Geriatrics (M&G), Princess Margaret Hospital (PMH) since 2006. It provides shared learning among nurses and professional development. Extra busy working environment, high staff turner over rate and lack of implementation system affected the effectiveness of NGR conducting. In 2018, haematology unit reform NGR formal to fit the service need, and adopt the new electronic patient care plan system in PMH.
Objectives :
I. Ensure safe & quality nursing care are providing in unit.
II. Share expert nursing knowledge among staffs and providing guidance for new comers and junior staffs.
III. Facilitate staff and patient communication. IV. Plug practicing gap in the unit
Methodology :
NGR coordinator (NGRC) review practice and formulate new plan. In 2018, there were many new registered nurses in C6. They are not familiar the unit care protocol. At the same time, ABMT development, many new treatments and protocols have been created. After review practice, NGRC designed a template and a staff evaluation form for unit NGR. We conduct every two weeks for 2 patients for NGR. Another day will be selected if the unit occupancy over 120% and limited the NGR less than 20 minutes to minimize influence unit operation. Cubicle IC will be presenting staff which marked on roster. If the cubicle IC is presented in last time, another cubicle patient and cubicle IC would be selected. In participation, WM, nurse IC, NGRC and cubicle IC will be involved and WM will lead the presentation. The role of NGRC are selecting NGR cases,sharing best practice on care, create some recommendations and identify and bridge practicing gap. Its post will rotate yearly to provide training opportunity
Result & Outcome :
NGR program have regular schedule case sharing to ensure up-to-standard safe & quality nursing care and documentation in unit. Practicing gap can be solved and expert nursing knowledge can be shared after deep case discussion along the colleagues during NGR. Positive channel staff, patient and relative communication can be created during conversation along the colleagues and patient. Checklist for self -review of PMH NGR, staff survey on implementation of NGR and patient satisfactory survey were designed for conducting system periodically review. This ongoing program started from June 2018. Ten NGRs were held between June to November 2018, total 15 nurses and total 20 cases were involved. Because of short period for reformed NGR implementation and limited NGR cases review, specific change of KPI for safety & quality nursing care cannot be conducted completely. However we identified many practice gaps and some special issues during NGR. All these practice gaps will be corrected by NGR ongoing monitoring in the future. Ward nurses express NGR provide a platform for senior to share the knowledge and experience to junior not only one by one coaching, but also group knowledge sharing. Patient have expressed there is a chance to give some suggestions to ward in charge (Ward manage) and the potential complaint can be early identified before happened