Introducing the In-house Developed Wireless Audio-Visual Coaching System for Respiratory-Gated Radiotherapy

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Authors (including presenting author) :
Cheung LYA (1), Chan TLM (1), Wong KWG (2), Cheung SCJ (1)
Affiliation :
(1)Medical Physics Unit, Department of Clinical Oncology, Queen Mary Hospital (2)Radiotherapy Unit, Department of Clinical Oncology, Queen Mary Hospital
Introduction :
An effective respiratory-gated radiotherapy treatment has not been easy. Patients used to have their own breathing motions which are often inconsistent. This results in increasing uncertainties and difficulties during CT planning, X-ray image verification and treatment delivery phase. Providing a breathing guidance and visual coaching to patients can address the problems of respiratory irregularities and enhance both planning and treatment efficiency, accuracy and consistency.
Objectives :
To develop and implement an in-house cost-efficient visual coaching system in respiratory-gated radiotherapy.
Methodology :
Real-time position management system (RPM) system version 1.7.5 (Varian, Palo Alto, CA) was used to obtain real-time respiratory signal through the motion generated from an infrared marker block placed on the abdomen (the greatest variation during breathing). The patient specific respiratory signal was captured by varian infra-red camera and then illustrated in control room RPM monitor. By using our in-house developed wireless visual system, the real-time patient-specific breathing pattern was being transmitted through wifi and then displayed on the portable tablet for patient real time visualization of their breathing pattern. All the electronic parts have been tested and they were of no harm and interference caused to patients and existing medical equipment.
Result & Outcome :
With the provision of visual coaching system, real time coaching on breathing motion becomes feasible and indicative. From our preliminary study, five healthy staffs were recruited and their breathing pattern were collected and evaluated based on this system. The results illustrated that the reproducibility of breathing patterns of all staffs have been improved. The in-house developed wireless visual system provided a clear visual guidance for coaching so as to acquire reproducible breathing pattern. Our study demonstrated that this system may improve the consistency and accuracy when preparing patients for respiratory-gated radiotherapy and real patient test can be implemented in the near future.

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