Applying a Nurse-led Evidence-based Anger Management Program for Substance Abuse Patients

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Authors (including presenting author) :
Wan T(1), Ngai KH(1), Tung CW(1), Chan TK(1), Shun KW(1), Cheng PY(1)
Affiliation :
(1)Department of Psychiatry, Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital (PYNEH)
Introduction :
Substance Abuse and Anger often coexist, and have a causal relationship. There is a need of giving special training to this group of patient for anger management. Thus, a 4-session nurse-led evidence-based program - Anger Management Group Manual (Phase 1) was adopted, which was based on recommendation from Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Trial run of this program was conducted in Substance Abuse Clinic of PYNEH in Nov, 2018.
Objectives :
1)Enhance patient’s knowledge on nature of anger and the connection between anger and substance abuse behavior; 2)Facilitate patient’s understanding on personal events and cues that triggered anger; 3)Help patient acquire skills on anger management and develop own anger control plan;
4)Let patient receive support and feedback from peers inside the program.
Methodology :
Substance abuse patients experiencing anger management problem were recruited from in-patient psychiatric setting in PYNEH. Pre- and post-test design was used; the outcome was measured by Chinese version of the Buss–Warren Aggression Questionnaire (BWAQ). Focus group interview was conducted at the end of program for collecting feedback from the patients on the extent, process and efficacy of the program.
Result & Outcome :
A total 5 out of 9 patients completed the program. A Wilcoxon Signed-Ranks Test indicated that mean score = 172.94 of post-test was statistically significantly lower than mean score = 222.94 of pre-test (z = -4.097, p<0.001), which implied the effectiveness of this program. According to the findings of the focus group interview, patients recognized the connection between anger problem and substance abuse behavior, and expressed appreciation on the usefulness of this program, particularly on practical skills of anger management that learnt from trained clinician. Furthermore, they received support and inspiration from peers throughout the program. The results for trial run of Anger Management Group Manual (Phase 1) for Substance Abuse Patients were encouraging though the sample size was small. It was designed as first tier of a two tiers Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Anger Management Program. Phase-2 will be developed in near future. The training cycle is ongoing and evaluations will be implemented to compare the outcome of both psychiatric in-patient and out-patient settings in different hospitals. A standardized treatment manual is recommended among Substance Abuse Clinics of Hospital Authority in future.

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