Benefits of Radi Image Sharing Pilot to HA and eHR Stage 2 Development

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Authors (including presenting author) :
Chan GWC(1), Poon JA(1), Tong ELH(1), Wong WN(1), Lam SF (1), Tang LCM(1)
Affiliation :
(1) Information Technology and Health Informatics Division, Head Office, Hospital Authority
Introduction :
Radi Image Sharing Pilot is a eHR Stage 1 project aims at enhancing Public-Private Partnership (PPP) by establishing electronic interfaces between HA and private sectors for sharing radiology studies. The Pilot has significantly enhanced clinical operation by allowing HA clinicians to refer patients to have required radiology investigations in private sectors; and the results can be electronically sent to HA and viewed by clinicians in CMS/ePR. With the electronic interfaces established, some PPP programs were evolved in recent years, including Radi Collaboration and Staff Radi Program, so as to enhance services for our patients and promote health for our staff. Besides benefits HA, the Pilot has played an important role in eHR Stage 2development of sharing radiology images.
Objectives :
To evaluate the benefits of Radi Image Sharing Pilot to HA and the development of Stage 2 eHR of sharing radiology images across the territory.
Methodology :
Statistics of private radiology studies received from the Radi Image Sharing Pilot, Radi Collaboration and Staff Radi Program in 2018 was extracted to evaluate the benefit. The value of the Pilot in development of territory-wide eHR was also evaluated with the high update by private sectors.
Result & Outcome :
1. In 2018, there were about 82,000 private radiology studies sent to HA, in which 18,000 were for Radi Collaboration and 1,600 were for Staff Radi Program. 2. There were about 6,800 radiology studies received per month, mainly on advanced modalities-CT, MRI and PET-CT, which were provided by 31 private hospitals and radiology groups/centres. 3. The high update and acceptance of the Pilot by private sectors has demonstrated the following benefits in Stage 2 eHR of sharing radiology images: (a) The information standard including HL7 for message and DICOM for radiology images was widely adopted in private sectors, which was the foundation for eHR development. (b) Private sectors have gained experience e.g. system development in cross institution image sharing. (c) The project team has also gained practical experiences in implementation process, incident management and quality assurance of radiology studies.

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