Emergency and Resuscitation Service Enhancement in Hong Kong East Cluster Family Medicine & Primary Health Care Department

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Abstract Description
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Authors (including presenting author) :
Lam SKS, Siu LM, Chow WPA, Cheung PH, Cheung YHK, Wong MSM, Wong MYM
Affiliation :
Department of Family Medicine and Primary Health Care Deparment, Hong Kong East Cluster
Introduction :
Hong Kong East Cluster (HKEC)Department of Family Medicine and Primary Health Care (FM & PHC) is supported by 11 clinics to provide services to patients in their respective location; to supplement the service quality and skill specialization. Staff are required to be rotated to different clinics to meet service needs, and they should be trained to adapt, adjust and apply advanced skills and knowledge in different clinical situations when handling critical urgent carers. We trust that man, material, machine, method and environment are essential factors to enhance service quality. A serial of navigating emergency service development and training were arranged in 2013-18.
Objectives :
(1) Strive to provide quality operations during emergency situations; (2) Ensure safe environment and high quality services to both patients and staff;
(3) Meet department cluster standards and regulations.
Methodology :
(1) Annual Standardization of Emergency Trolley Audit;(Material/Machine/Environment factors)
(2) Annual Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Drill (Man/Method factors);
(3) Staff Training (Man/Method factors):
3.1 Basic Life Support Training(BLS)to nursing staff every 3 years, 3.2 Five sessions of Crash Workshop held in 2013-18, 3.3 Twenty-two sessions of Simulation Training Workshop held in 2014-18, 3.4 Eight sessions of Nurse-initiated Defibrillation Workshop held in 2016-18, 3.5 Seven sessions of Air Medical Transport for Nurses and Doctors Training in 2011-18, 3.6 Two Emergency Lecutres concening emergency upate and the care in Outlying Island (OLI)clinics held in 2017, 3.7 Three sessions of Intra-partum Care Training to OLI nursing staff.
Result & Outcome :
Results: 3.1 Ongong BLS training to each nurse every 3 years, 3.2 Total 7 doctors and 41 nurses attended Crash Worshop, 3.3 Total 54 doctors and 95 nurses attended Simulation Training Workshop, 3.4 Total 9 OLI nurses were trained in Nurse-initiated Defibrillation Workshop,
3.5 Total 9 doctors and 24 nurses trained in Air Medical Transport Training, 3.6 Total 105 doctors and nurses attended emergency care lectures,
3.7 Total 29 OLI nurses attended Intra-partum Care Training. Conclusions: HKEC Department of FM & PHC endeavors to refine the clinical service delivery and process in order to create an ongoning safe and effective environment to both patients and staff.

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