Nursing Grand Round for promoting professional excellence in nursing

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Abstract Description
Abstract ID :
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Authors (including presenting author) :
Cheung HR (1), Yim MS (1), Ho FH (1), Ng CK (1), Chan CK (1), Wong MH (1), Tsang LP (1), Leung CY (1), Lai WS (1), Cheung KL (1), Chan ST (1), Cheng SF (1), Kwan WY (1) & Wong KW (1).
Affiliation :
(1) Department of Surgery, PMH.
Introduction :
Nursing grand round has been rearranged in the surgical department since 2016. It aims at enhancing primary nursing in surgical department, improving nursing care standard and patient safety, sharing of best practice among nursing staff, sharing and transfering knowledge and skills, and enhancing communication. In Oct 2018, a staff survey on nursing grand round was conducted to review the outcome.
Objectives :
1. To evaluate and understand the nurses' view towards NGR in order to improve the standard of patient care. 2. To facilitate the workflow of NGR in surgical department. 3. To share the primary nursing care plan among nursing colleagues and further promoting the learning atmosphere. 4. To improve patient education before discharge.
Methodology :
A staff survey was developed by Surgical Nursing Documentation and Primary Nursing Team with four main categories including clinical practice, staff development, knowledge transfer, and support by supervisor / senior. The staff survey was conducted in anonymous and the surgical nurses were invited to participate in voluntary basis.
Result & Outcome :
- In total, 117 numbers of valid surveys were received. The return rate was 97.5%. - On the clinical practice, 75.1% of nurses agreed NGR enhances the quality of care and patient safety. 75.2% of nurses agreed NGR improves nurse-patient relationship. 75.2% of nursing staff agreed NGR promotes primary nursing. - On the staff development, 83.6% of nurses agreed NGR is a good learning experience and personal beneficial. - On the knowledge transfer, 87% of nurses agreed finial discussion after NGR is useful for understanding on care management/ decision making. Also, 88.8% of nurses agreed sharing experience by NC and senior staff during NGR enhances nursing practice and knowledge on patient care. - On the support from supervisor, 74.2% of nurses agreed the preparation time of NGR provided by supervisor is adequate. 73.4% of nurses agreed the duration and frequency of NGR are appropriate. - Three numbers of surveys with comments received. Two of the surveys preferred less frequent of NGR in ward. One of the surveys suggested inviting cancer case manager (CCM) to join the NGR to enhance nursing knowledge and EBP practice.

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