Enhancing the Inhaler Technique among COPD Elderly Patients in Community by Smart Technology

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Abstract Description
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Authors (including presenting author) :
Lee SC (1), Lee KY (1), Karn KY (1)
Affiliation :
(1) Community Nursing Service, United Christian Hospital
Introduction :
In Hong Kong, nearly 25.9% of elderly are suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). (Yu et al 2011) Inhaler technique plays an important role in COPD management. However, some COPD patients cannot handle inhalers properly due to old age, low educational level, fair eye-hand coordination and cognitive impairment.
Patients have the opportunities to engage in their health care through smart electronic technology. A study showed that video education can be a suitable substitute for face-to-face education on inhaler technique particularly in elderly patients (Park & Byun, 2018) Educational videos have slower and clearer explanation comparatively. Elderly can also replay the videos as to learn the inhaler techniques without the presence of healthcare providers. A pilot project with the aim to enhance the inhaler technique among COPD elderly patients by educational video program was launched from early October to November, 2018 in Community Nursing Service Department UCH.
Objectives :
1.Standardize the education on inhaler technique by using an educational video program
2.Minimize the rate of AED attendance
Methodology :
Every community nurse is equipped with an iPad mini for accessing patients’ medical information during home visit. This pilot project made use of the video playing function of iPad mini. Several videos of inhaler techniques were downloaded to the iPad mini. Nurses provided education to patients by playing the videos during home visit. Inclusion criteria of the participants were living at home, newly discharge from hospital and patient with Abbreviated Mental Test (AMT) equal or higher than 7, or patient AMT lower than 7 but with consistent caregivers. A total of 8 patients were recruited to this pilot project. Briefing was given to the nurses who participated in this project.
Result & Outcome :
All of the participants (100%) have improvement in inhaler technique after watching the educational videos. By comparing the recruited patient’s AED attendance rate of pre 28 days, there were 75% in reduction of post discharge 28 days. 75% of the patients claimed they “understood the majority of the inhaler technique” and 25% stated they “fully understood the inhaler techniques”. Smart technology was proved to enhance patients’ knowledge and improve their treatment outcomes. Thus, the promulgation of using it as a “helper” in nursing intervention is our future plan.

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