Symposium Theatre 1 invited abstract
May 15, 2019 02:30 PM - 03:45 PM(Asia/Hong_Kong)
20190515T1430 20190515T1545 Asia/Hong_Kong Symposium 11 - Safe and Happy Workplace

Safe and Happy Workplace

S11.1 Bridging You and Me by Mobile App in Hospital Authority

S11.2 Advancing the Delivery of Positive Practice – University Health Network (UHN)'s Journey to Eliminating Preventable Harm from Workplace Violence

S11.3 Workplace Happiness for Brighter Tomorrows

Theatre 1 HA Convention 2019
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Safe and Happy Workplace

S11.1 Bridging You and Me by Mobile App in Hospital Authority

S11.2 Advancing the Delivery of Positive Practice – University Health Network (UHN)'s Journey to Eliminating Preventable Harm from Workplace Violence

S11.3 Workplace Happiness for Brighter Tomorrows

Bridging You and Me by Mobile App in Hospital Authority View Abstract
Speaker 02:35 PM - 02:55 PM (Asia/Hong_Kong) 2019/05/15 06:35:00 UTC - 2019/05/15 06:55:00 UTC
Hong Kong has one of the highest penetration of mobile phones and tablets in the world, providing a great platform for HA not only to provide better service to our patients, but also to engage and connect our entire workforce anytime, anywhere.
The HR App, a tailored made mobile App for HA staff, provides an one-stop mobile platform with a wide variety of functions for all staff to manage their own important information such as leave application and approval, payslip and tax return, training records and staff benefits. The mSHR module allows staff clinic booking and access to one’s own clinical data. In addition, HA Chat provides a secure environment for instant communication amongst HA colleagues.
HA has embraced HR App, with the registration rate exceeding 76%. This fantastic response has inspired the development team to continue to develop new modules to transform the way the HA reaches, engages and connects our staff. It is the solid foundation to further enhance our workplace digitally.
In the family of HA, Human Resources professionals were impressed as a desk-bound administrative workers until the birth of unexpected mobile solution – the HR App. It is the first mobile solution which is designed successfully with more than 70,000 staff registered. Supporting staff members with limited access to email communication in particular consider the HR App an effective and relevant to them by drawing them closer to the organization. 
The HR App also helps transform the working mode of HR professionals from policy administrators to technology explorer in facilitating organization culture building. This is a critical step for HR to reposition as staff advocate for a caring organization by bridging values among our staff.
Hospital Authority HR will continue its modernization and digital journey. Staff members have high expectation on HR to go beyond the current scope of HR App to include other core operation functions, such as procurement approval, dissemination of important messages at critical time points e.g. duty and transport arrangement during inclement weather or other crisis, teleconferencing etc. Finally, a word of caution - mobile solution is only an mean to our ultimate goal i.e. Bridging between YOU and ME. HAHR would hold on to this principle for any future further enhancement on HR App. 
Advancing the Delivery of Positive Practice – University Health Network (UHN)’s Journey to Eliminating Preventable Harm from Workplace ViolenceView Abstract
Speaker 02:55 PM - 03:15 PM (Asia/Hong_Kong) 2019/05/15 06:55:00 UTC - 2019/05/15 07:15:00 UTC
In healthcare, a paradigm shift in thinking is required as many healthcare workers often excuse or condone acts of violence from patients. Although few people come into a healthcare environment with intent to harm, violence is real in healthcare settings due to the nature of illness faced by certain patient populations. Prevention begins by creating a culture that supports this philosophy will inevitably reduce and eliminate harm experienced by violent acts. Designing safety systems to ensure there is an understanding of why these events occur is key to preventing future occurrences. Encouraging reporting is critical to understanding and addressing all factors that contribute to violent incidents and is an essential step in the development of effective preventative measures. 
(1) Reduce and eliminate harm experienced from violent acts in the workplace.
(2) Encourage and improve reporting and situational awareness of workplace violence events.
(3) Build systems that support early detection and correction.
University Health Network (UHN), Canada’s largest academic hospital system, recognized that most acts of violence are preventable within the workplace. Embarking on a strategic transformation, UHN identified safety as a core value, signifying their commitment to zero preventable harm. Safety is embedded in every aspect of the delivery of care. Transforming a culture began with an exploration beyond what happens during incidents of violence to learning why these incidents occur which lead to addressing system failures that contribute to causation; the key to preventing harm. 
UHN’s approach, unique in the healthcare industry, encourages reporting and response to near-miss events, which is critical in the development of effective preventative measures. This proactive organizational methodology to workplace violence builds systems to support early detection and correction. Building a "safety culture" where staff and patients embrace safety as a core value starts with leaders. Having a safety culture proved to be successful in reducing the harm experienced from violence. Shifting the focus on creating resilience by incorporating harm reduction and prevention strategies into daily practice enables sustainability.
Workplace Happiness for Brighter TomorrowsView Abstract
Speaker 03:15 PM - 03:35 PM (Asia/Hong_Kong) 2019/05/15 07:15:00 UTC - 2019/05/15 07:35:00 UTC
CLP Power has served Hong Kong for more than 115 years with a wholehearted commitment to making lives brighter, today and tomorrow. The company aims to use energy resources to bring a positive impact to people’s lives. This mission depends upon a team of talented, happy, and dedicated employees working together for the common good.
CLP Power has a comprehensive and holistic human resources strategy. Managing Director Mr T K Chiang will explain in this presentation how the company builds and maintains a sustainable and innovative workforce by investing in employee wellbeing and people development together with a competitive remuneration package.
CLP Power cares for its employees and have set many family-friendly policies with an emphasis on staff retention including maternity leave, marriage leave, and the introduction of adoption leave.
Recognising that a healthy lifestyle is beneficial to workplace performance, CLP Power encourages its employees to achieve a healthy work-life balance and to regularly take part in social, recreational and sports activities. It also promotes volunteer and youth development programmes to support the communities in which we live and work.
To stay competitive in a rapidly changing business environment, the company deploys the latest technology and methodology in its training and development to raise the proficiency and professionalism of its employees. It draws on cutting-edge innovation to expand the knowledge and expertise of the workforce, which gives its employees the opportunity to realise their full potential. CLP Power also embraces diversity in our workforce and have taken steps to attract more female to join our industry.
The company’s commitment to employee development and wellbeing have been recognised by a host of awards including being named Most Attractive Employer in Hong Kong in the 2018 Randstad Awards, and Manpower Developer 1st (2010-2020) in the Employees Retraining Board Manpower Developer Award Scheme. CLP Power has also been named Distinguished Family-Friendly Employer in the Family-Friendly Awards Scheme organised by the Family Council.
Presenters T K Chiang
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