Simulation Training Program on ICU Emergency in QMH AICU

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Authors (including presenting author) :
Chan TB(1), Yu KY(1), Lai CK(1), Kwok WL(1), Ngo OL(1)
Affiliation :
(1)Adult Intensive Care Unit, Queen Mary Hospital
Introduction :
Growing population of junior staffs is one of major challenges in our unit that cannot be depreciated. As of Sept. 2018, junior nursing staffs with ICU experience less than 3 years account for 34% (29 out of 85) of frontline nursing workforce. Thus, there is an emerging need to establish a training program to nursing staffs especially on ICU emergency in order to facilitate a prompt and safe clinical response and enhance patient outcome. Without risking to real patient, simulation training allows a protected environment for staffs to enhance their clinical skill and decision-making ability through various real-life situational scenarios.
Objectives :
1. To explore the acceptance of using simulation training model in AICU on emergency situation 2. To enhance the staff competency on practical skill and clinical decision making ability in ICU emergency
Methodology :
In total 8 identical sessions of full-day simulation workshop were held. Each workshop consisted of 2 concurrent stations in which covered the topics on 1. Emergency case admission 2. Endotracheal intubation 3. CPR and 4. Prone ventilation In order to maximized the effective learning, each workshop was limited to 8 participants. Both stations were scenario based simulation with a combination of full-body manikin and electronic simulator apps; it provided a real time response on patient vital signs corresponding to the treatment given. Debriefing session after each scenario facilitated participants to recall and feedback what happened in the scenario. Through the discussion, the participants could make reflection and conceptualized what they have learnt from the scenario. Evaluation forms were given at the end of the workshop to collect the feedback of participants towards the simulation workshop.

Result & Outcome :
In the period of 8/2018 to 1/2019, a total of 8 workshops were conducted with 65 QMH AICU nursing staffs attended in which contributed 76% of nursing workforce and in total 57 evaluation forms have been returned. The program received positive feedback in general, 91% of participants evaluated that the objectives of workshop were clearly delivered. Majority of the participants agreed that the method of teaching (simulation training) has enhanced the maximum learning (94%) and they found the content of workshop was applicable to their practice (95%). In summary, the participants were satisfied with the simulation training model and the program is worthwhile to conduct again in future.

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