Pressure Injury Management Enhancement Program: Fast Track Pressure Care Devices Prescription, Monitoring and Review Program by Occupational Therapist in Medical and Geriatric convalescence ward of Tuen Mun Hospital

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Authors (including presenting author) :
Choi WY(1), Lam CM (1), Cheung HM (1), Cheung TY (1)
Affiliation :
(1) Occupational Therapy Department, Tuen Mun Hospital
Introduction :
Patients developed pressure injuries or at risk of pressure injuries are referred to Occupational Therapy for pressure care management under Pressure Injury Prevention & Management (PIPM) Program in New Territories West Cluster. Prescription of pressure care devices is one of treatment strategies through pressure redistribution. Different designs of pressure care device are used for effective positioning. Besides common seat cushion prescription, occupational therapist stratify high dependence patients with positioning aids for regular turning and head positioners for ears pressure injury prevention.
Objectives :
1. To improve the efficiency of monitoring and review on use of pressure care devices 2. To minimize risk of improper use of pressure care devices from in-patient to community
Methodology :
In Pressure Injury Management Program in NTWC, Occupational Therapists provide assessment on risk area of pressure injuries. In services enhancement program, Occupational Therapists design different pre-fabricated pressure care devices. Once referral is received, pressure device is provided to patients promptly i.e. within 2 days. Ward staff are educated on device application by standard and clear instruction sheet with photo. Feedback channel from ward staff are ensured. Close monitoring and review would be conducted by Occupational Therapist daily.
Result & Outcome :
From 5/2018 to 10/2018, there are 255 patients referred to Occupational Therapists through Pressure Injury Management Program. This is 11.7% of total referrals in medical convalescence wards in Rehabilitation Block. Safe & effective use of pressure care devices are ensured with faster intervention and clearer instructions for ward staff and carers in hospital. There are total 12 head positioners prescribed for severe dependent patients in medical convalescence wards of Tuen Mun Hospital. All of them are continuously applied by carer in community with regular monitoring by CGAS OT. Service Enhancement Program for pressure injury management improves efficiency in application of pressure care devices by Occupational Therapists in Medical and Geriatric convalescent ward of Tuen Mun Hospital. Regular monitoring and review are ensured in daily therapy sessions. This improves the safety of using pressure care devices. Therefore, risk of developing pressure injuries over ears and other risk area are reduced by early intervention.

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