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IntroductionThe awareness of Recovery Orientated Care (ROC) keeps increasing. Different from the traditional psychiatric nursing care which emphasizes on symptom management and relapse avoidance, ROC suggests supporting the sufferers to better identify their strengths and to set goals under the rest...

Young HA Investigators Presentations
HA Staff

Clinical Safety and Quality Service III
HA Staff

Since its invention more than a half century ago, total joint replacement surgery has become one of the most successful surgeries in orthopaedics. With advancing techniques, patients at younger and older age are benefitted from this surgery. The advance in fast-track surgery is unstoppable with the ...


Staff Engagement and Empowerment
HA Staff

Healthcare Advances, Research and Innovations
HA Staff

Replantation is a surgical process to re-attach a separated body part by microsurgical techniques, aiming to re-establish circulation for survival of the detached part. Since the first replantation was being done in 1963 by Chinese Pioneer Dr Chen Zhong-Wei, there has been a lot of development. 1. I...


Young HA Investigators Presentations
HA Staff

Healthcare Advances, Research and Innovations
HA Staff

Healthcare Advances, Research and Innovations
HA Staff

The Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch was established by the English healthcare system in 2017 to investigate serious, systemic, patient safety issues using approaches developed from aviation and other safety critical industries. The Chief Investigator is a former pilot who led the UK’s Air A...


This session will describe how to use improvement science to drive improved outcomes in patient safety. The session will demonstrate how the model of improvement can empower frontline clinical teams and their patients to drive improvement. The approach will describe how the Lens of Profound Knowledg...


As we approach the end of the WHO Decade of Action for Road Safety there has been little evidence of a decline in road deaths globally. Both Hong Kong and Australia exemplify the gross disparities in injury outcomes between high-income countries and low- and middle-income countries - that relate di...


Scaphoid, being the ‘keystone’ of the carpus linking up proximal and distal carpal rows, is the most commonly fractured carpal bone, with the peak incidence in young active individuals. Its peculiar anatomy, blood supply and orientation create challenges in the diagnosis and treatment of its fra...


Work rehabilitation (WR), target at helping patients return to work, was one of the core service of Occupational Therapy (OT) since its beginning in 1950s. In 2002, a major revamp of the service model to reorganize the WR service for standardization and improvement was conducted by the Work Rehabili...


Better Manage Growing Demands
HA Staff